The CHD Coalition is very excited to bring our annual CHD Walk for Hope back to Overpeck County Park in New Jersey! For individuals who are unable to attend in person, you can still register and participate virtually. All participants need to register online before registration closes at 12:00 pm noon Saturday, October 12. There will be no onsite registration.
The primary fundraising goal of the CHD Walk for Hope is to advance CHD-specific research. Progressive research and emerging medical technologies offer an enormous impact on the survival and long-term care of individuals affected by congenital heart defects. Due to the huge success of our annual walk over the past 10+ years, more than $1 Million has been granted to the leading research hospitals throughout the United States.
For the past several years, over 100% of the CHD Walk for Hope profits have been given to research. No other CHD organization, big or small, can make the same claim. This gives you the reassurance that your donation has a direct impact to the cause. But the CHD Walk for Hope is much more than a fundraiser. It is a celebration between families and friends to honor their CHD Warrior or Angel. The CHD Coalition was formed under the belief that even when you feel hopeless, you never give up hope. You are not alone on your journey with congenital heart defects.

United for Hope
The CHD Coalition was formed under the belief that you never give up hope, and you are not alone on your journey with CHD. Every dollar we raise, every story we share, every step we take helps. Join us in our mission of giving hope to those affected by congenital heart defects.
October 13, 2024
Check in: 10am
Walk: 11am
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the CHD Coalition?
- The Congenital Heart Defect Coalition (CHD Coalition) is a charitable nonprofit organization whose sole purpose is to improve the quality of life for children and adults born with a congenital heart defect or CHD. The three main pillars of our mission are focused on uniting and supporting the CHD community; increasing public awareness; and raising money for lifesaving medical research.
- What distinguishes us from other organizations is our commitment to research. Innovative research and emerging medical technologies offer an enormous impact on the survival and long-term care of individuals affected by CHD. This mission is important to us because historically, research specific to CHD has been largely underfunded due to a lack of widespread national awareness.
- While research offers the promising potential for improvement and prevention of CHD’s, programs that support the community and hospitals deliver an immediate benefit to the families and children. For this reason, the Congenital Heart Defect Coalition is a unique organization that understands the importance of contributing to both.
What precautions are being made related to COVID-19?
The health and safety of our CHD Warriors and families is of upmost importance. We will be adhering to the COVID-19 guidelines published by the State of NJ. More specifically, we will be doing the following at this year’s event:
- Masks are optional but not mandatory.
- Pre-packaged snacks and beverages will be provided. You are welcome to bring outside food and non-alcoholic beverages.
- Children’s games will be available; we will ensure proper cleanliness.
- Tables and chairs for our participants will not be available. Please consider bringing your own folding chair.
Our core purpose of the CHD Walk for Hope has not faltered – unite together to celebrate our Angels and Warriors, honor our Angels with the butterfly ceremony, and to raise funds for life-saving medical research.
Where does our fundraising go?
The CHD Coalition is operated and led by volunteers with no salaried employees. Fundraising allows the CHD Coalition to continue to provide exceptional programs to hospitals and families, scholarships, and promote medical research, which ultimately has a direct impact on the lives of everyone affected with congenital heart disease.
What is the CHD Walk for Hope?
The CHD Walk for Hope is much more than a fundraiser. It is a meaningful event that allows families and friends to rally in support of their CHD Warrior and to honor the Angels who have lost their battle to congenital heart defects. The CHD Coalition was formed under the belief that even when you feel hopeless, you never give up hope. You are not alone on your journey with congenital heart defects.
This amazing event is a celebration. It brings the CHD community together to generate awareness and raise funds for research. By advancing research, survival and long-term medical care are improving. Join us on this special day to unite together and change the future of congenital heart defects. Every dollar we raise, every story we share, every step we take helps.
2024 CHD Walk for Hope – when and where?
Sunday, October 13, 2024
11:00 AM – 1:30 PM EDT
Onsite check-in: 10:00am – 10:55am
Event to start promptly at 11:00 AM
Overpeck County Park Amphitheater
40 Fort Lee Rd, Leonia, NJ 07605
There is ample parking available close to the event in the Ridgefield Area III parking lot in front of the pavilion and amphitheater.
Tables and chairs will not be provided. We encourage teams to bring their own folding chairs.
Event Registration
Registration fees are as follows:
$25 Adult (ages 17+)
$5 Children (ages 5-16)
Free Children (under 5)
Free CHD Warrior (any age)
$15 Virtual Walker (ages 5+)
Free Virtual CHD Warrior
There will be no onsite registration. All participants need to register online before 12:00 pm (noon) Saturday, October 12 to be able to attend. A completed registration form is required for all participants. This is required for check-in and access to the event.
A 2024 CHD Walk for Hope t-shirt is provided to in-person registrants while supplies last. For Virtual Walkers, if supplies are available, a 2024 CHD Walk for Hope t-shirt will be mailed after the event has concluded. You will be contacted for shipping information.
Online donations should be assigned to an individual participant. The team donation total will be calculated by combining the total donations of all of the team members.
If you have a check or cash donation, you can mail it to our office along with a note of the team name and the participant who should receive the donation. We will enter the amount into the system for you. Check donations can be made out to “CHD Coalition” and mailed to:
CHD Coalition
45 Carey Avenue, Suite 250 #1
Butler, NJ 07405
Fundraising gift levels
The registration fee goes towards the participant’s donation amount. As a “thank you” for your fundraising efforts, participants who meet the following donation amounts will receive the items listed below.
$100-$249 Mini Heart Hot/Cold Pack
$250-$749 CHD Coalition Fanny Pack
$750+ Red Beach Towel
Top Fundraiser $500 Amazon Gift
The top individual fundraiser will be determined on October 31, 2024. Prize levels are for individual’s money raised and not the team’s total.
Prizes will be awarded to both in-person attendees and Virtual Walkers. We will post more details on prize distribution via email and Facebook.
CHD Warrior and Angel Posters
We encourage you to make a team poster showcasing photos and information about your CHD Warrior or Angel. These will be proudly displayed for all participants to see during the event. The posters are to be created by the CHD Warrior and/or family. You can use any size poster paper. Include the person’s name, CHD diagnosis, a short story about your family’s CHD journey, date of birth, pictures, etc. If you have any questions, please email [email protected] and we will send you samples.
Have another question?
Please contact [email protected] or (973) 850-6320.
Help us make a difference
We lead fundraisers, connect with hospitals, and spread the message of hope—but we can’t do it without the generous support of people like you. By donating or volunteering, you can change the lives of families and children across the globe.